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Surf for everyone
Can there be a beach perfect for learning surf to advance surfers, convenient, easy access, close to other beautiful beaches?
Volleyball vs Sunset
What about going outside, enjoy the sand under your bare feet and feel the breeze on your face.
Volleyball vs Sunset
What about going outside, enjoy the sand under your bare feet and feel the breeze on your face.
Why Choose WAYRA?
You decide that you'd like to go to Costa Rica, and even more, you decide that its a great time to brush up on that Spanish that you took in high school but mostly forgot.
Why Choose WAYRA?
You decide that you'd like to go to Costa Rica, and even more, you decide that its a great time to brush up on that Spanish that you took in high school but mostly forgot.
Costa Rica Spanish Immersion: One Key to Success

Costa Rica Spanish Immersion: One Key to Success

So, you're thinking about learning Spanish? Fantastic choice! But here's the deal: if you really want to master the language, trade your TV remote for a passport. Studying in a country where Spanish is the native tongue is like hitting the language-learning jackpot. Why? Because it’s all about Spanish immersion. Simply being in a place where Spanish is spoken everywhere you turn means you're constantly learning, not just in the classroom but in real life.