Tamarindo - Mangrove Boat Tour
Being part of the National Park Las Baulas (Marine Leatherback turtles) the mangrove estuary tour is a 2 hour long experience in the vast mangrove forest. It's considered to be a unique brackish water habitat where varieties of marine species enter for feeding and reproduction. A bird watching sanctuary is located within where nearly 250 individuals can be observed.
The families of the motmots, trogons, orioles, herons, warblers, cuckoos, lapwings, kingfishers, hummingbirds and ospreys are a highlight of the diverse animal variety the park can offer. Also you'll take a short hike in the dry tropical forest looking for the Howler monkey, considered to be the second loudest mammal in Central America. American crocodiles, green iguanas, black iguanas, crabs and numerous plant life are another attraction in the estuary.